Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meetup.Com Victories!!

So I am trying this new website -- new to ME! -- called The concept for this site is GREAT!

In the past 2 weeks that i've been a member, i've joined over 12 social/interest groups -- all of which have scheduled events in the near future called "meet-ups". Amazing! gathering people for the sake of gathering!!

Some groups are centered on a cause-- volunteering, finishing a book, or swapping pet sitting services, but some others are centered on sheer anatomy--- Female groups, Male groups, etc. No "real" purpose other than fellowship & camaraderie! AMEN to that! I love the "purposeless" feel to groups like these-- people just wanting to meet people, with general disregard as to whether or not we share interests. -- Dont get me wrong, i love to meet up with other people who enjoy the theater, dance, and languages, as much as I do. And Lord knows I love "meeting up" with fellow Christians for fellowship & relationship building or groups from other religious backgrounds for discussions and studying, BUT it is the groups that are centered are mere humanity that I find the most interesting! Getting along with people, introducing yourself to people, crossing paths with people that you otherwise might not have seen or spoken with.

Lets just "meet-up" because we can!!

And for all of us involved on meet-up-- please find me  or the groups that I am in because I am constantly suggesting new "meet-ups" for people to come together-- for a run, for a bite to eat, for a free/cheap event (which I am the queen of finding!).

For example --
Cambridge Dance Complex Open House-- FREE classes from 1-5pm -- EVERY type of dance. I will be there and please let me know if you will too!! We can walk in together, dance together and laugh together!! :)
Check out their link here.

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